Jacque Lynne Ross
3 min readOct 19, 2020


The Loss of the American Dream

It seems the latest confrontation spurred by the Democrats is racism caused by mispronunciation of someone’s name. Specifically Kamala’s! Poor Senator David Perdue is now berated and charged with racism by the Democrats merely because he failed to pronounce her name correctly. It’s my guess the party didn’t notice that Biden has been mispronouncing it as well! But they give him a pass as they understand that he is dealing with a common age-related syndrome displayed in some people as they mature- namely Dementia.

It appears to be a common theme with the Democrats that if you disagree their beliefs, or now if you can’t pronounce their names, you are automatically labelled a racist.

When they can’t encourage voters to espouse their beliefs, then it seems that their go-to strategy is to bully people into submission. They believe that if you say it loud enough-often enough it becomes the truth. The fundamental concept the Democrats can’t abide is autonomous thought.

They believe that the only acceptable philosophy is theirs, judging the voters to be dimwitted and incapable of making decisions independently. What a narrow-minded view of their fellow human beings. The Democratic Socialist party is all about controlling the masses!

The Socialist strategy to attract votes is to promise that everything in life will be supplied free by the government. This is diabolically opposed to the philosophy of the majority who are raising their children to become independent, knowledgeable citizens with the ability to think critically, make intelligent decisions, and contribute successfully to society.

However, offering “Free Stuff” achieves the goal of creating a society subservient to and dependent on government. Isn’t that a move toward restoring a form of slavery?

This is the direct opposite of what our Founding Father’s intended our government to establish. They came to this country to exercise freedom from government control in their religious and societal lives not to accept government-controlled enslavement.

Isn’t it racist to oppose everyone who is in some way different from you? I thought this country was a melting pot of ethnicities open to all cultural differences while celebrating our similarities.

The Democrats have done more to drive a wedge between the American citizenry than to unite them.

They have established total unrest and violence across the country falsely ascribing it to perceived injustices created by the establishment.

The party is backed by big money contributors such as George Soros whose only agenda is to create a Socialist society. They pay to transport protestors across the country to burn down cities and loot businesses in areas where they have no stake. It has been alleged that they have even paid for votes!

The ruthless 20th century Democratic politics of Chicago’s Richard M. Daley and others pales in compassion to the 21st century demonic Democratic corruption! Let’s not forget that it was Soros who orchestrated the unheard of, inexperienced Obama’s rise to fame from Chicago to Washington, DC.

If the American Dream is to acquire status and financial security through investing in hard work and determination then Socialism is annihilating that dream!



Jacque Lynne Ross

Conservative Christian; Educator 40 years, MA + 70 Post MA credits