Jacque Lynne Ross
4 min readJan 17, 2021


The Latest Bullying -CANCEL CULTURE!

Cancel Culture is the latest form of adult bullying currently being employed by Democratic leftist and socialists.

This has set a dangerous precedent as it is exceedingly inflammatory and could be one of the most incendiary aspects leading to violence in America.

I believe the left is deliberately using this approach as much to incite violence as to restrict the Constitutional rights of the average American citizen.

Democratic politicians have assumed the stance of Oligarchist believing that they possess a superior intellect and need to forcefully push their agenda on the mindless masses. It’s all about power and control.

Obviously they are not students of history or they would realize that this nefarious form of government is never ultimately successful.

Currently the left is attempting to restrict our Constitutional rights on all fronts.

The Congress has empowered themselves to attempt the impeachment of President Trump on bogus charges solely to negate or cancel his ability to run for office ever again negating the will of half of Americans.

Their further agenda is to totally destroy him by canceling his business opportunities at his hotels and golf courses. They even want to cut his cameo appearance from Home Alone 2. Some businesses are withdrawing monetary support of his political party. This from the party claiming they want unity while demonstrating how they will cancel you if you disagree with them.

This only illuminates just how strongly they hate and fear him and any opposition from his followers and any of the citizenry.

Big tech has been empowered, as part of the financially elite, to strip citizens whose ideas present an opposing point of view of their right to communicate using technology.

Cutting off the right to free speech may be the second-most touted restriction presently, but many other nefarious actions are being proposed such as negating the degrees earned at Harvard by the Trump team and supporters!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is even advocating spending taxpayer dollars to deradicalize anyone who disagrees with her socialist agenda!

Whatever happened to our rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

I was under the impression that we employed Congress to work for the protection of American citizens and their rights under the Constitution. The citizenry has tottally lost control of their role as employers of politicians.

The average employer no longer controls the wages of their employees . Likewise we have no control over Congressional salaries.

Congress has become heady with power since they have the sole right to vote on their own pay raises and perks in addition to imposing minimum wage laws on the nation’s employers.

Currently Congressional base salaries are six figures.

Additionally, our politicians are able to earn monies other than their salaries and earn lifetime pensions after their first term while moving to eliminate/cancel pensions for the average American.

“As of 2019, members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after five years of service. A full pension is available to members 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age.”

Congress continues raising the age at which citizens can collect their Social Security which they actually paid into and is the only “pension” many people have in retirement, while these politicians receive their pensions at much lower ages and after fewer years of service.

Let’s not forget Congressmen and women and Senators also receive housing allowances and numerous other perks.

We need a Constitutional amendment giving us the right to vote on their salaries. Money talks!

The answer is not for them to keep raising their pay and perks and definitely is not to create and force a Socialist form of government on American citizens.

We need President Trump, Mike Pence and other moral, rational, critical thinkers like them in government to manage our taxes and country in a humanistic and financially responsible way.

The Cancel Culture move is focused on cancelling all of the average citizen’s rights.

They understand that this can only lead to a clash by citizens trying to regain control of their lives and opens the door to resistance, perhaps even violence, such as we witnessed on January 6, 2021.

I can only surmise that the leftist members of Congress are confidently encouraging violence as they control of the military, National Guard and police.

They welcome putting down any insurrection as a demonstration of their power and control!

I pray I am wrong, and instead they will work together as Democrats and Republicans, more commonly known as Americans, whose main concern is to protect the Constitutional rights of the citizenry, and formulate an agenda that benefits all citizens for the sake of future generations.

Our forefathers fought and died to leave us an emancipated, self-governed country. Our descendants deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as well.



Jacque Lynne Ross

Conservative Christian; Educator 40 years, MA + 70 Post MA credits