Trump’s National Debate Power?

Jacque Lynne Ross
3 min readApr 11, 2021

AP News Claims Trump’s power to shape national debate wanes. LOL! The fact that they continue to report on his every move unmistakably demonstrates his popularity and the opposition’s fear of his return to the political mainstream.

It is clear Trump still holds the power in the Republican Party.

Even those who aspire to run for the party’s nomination in 2024 are emulating his style of governing as we see with Governor DeSantis of Florida.

Trump’s successful political maneuvers have taught the next generation of politicians what qualities the people expect from their leader of the free world. They envision an intelligent, strong, and decisive leader.

While Trump may not be receiving the amount of mainstream media coverage he enjoyed while in office he uses that to his advantage.

He doesn’t even have to campaign to win over dissenters he just lets the media coverage of Sleepy Joe do that for him.

We have even seen a slow turn in the mainstream media recognizing and calling out the current president for disinformation when the Washington Post gave Joe Biden four Pinocchio’s regarding his outright lies about Georgia’s revised voting laws!

Trump fully comprehends that as Biden continues to destroy this country, conservative Democrats will abandon the party and turn in droves to his party for relief.

Democrats are beginning to recognize the mistake they made electing Biden thinking that he would carry forth the ideals of the old school party rather than those of the New Green Deal Socialist.

They realize the extreme danger Biden’s administration has placed this country in, and they will begin to remedy the situation starting with the off-year elections in 2022.

It is at that time we will see what true unity resembles as Democrats and Republicans unite to Take Back America and return to moral governing. They may even come together forming a new political party!

Former President Trump may not be leading the national debate verbally, but Biden’s lack of leadership and unintelligible verbiage is sending the American voters to the Trump camp in mass.

Joe has unwittingly been building up a stronger voting base for his opponent in the next presidential election. Thanks Joe!

After nearly half a century in politics, Joe still doesn’t understand that you gain loyal supporters by demonstrating a proven record of your own accomplishments, not by trying to discredit the opposition’s.

No one goes into a job interview trying to negate the company’s accomplishments, but rather espousing their own past successes and how they would benefit the company they aspire to join. Politics is the same Joe!

Not only does President Biden have no portfolio of positive achievements, he is amassing a long list of defeats and serious mistakes.

You don’t have to be a schooled politician to recognize Biden is weakening the country’s power and making us a laughing stock around the world amongst its leaders and people.

Only the return of the American citizenry to strong religious and moral beliefs, coupled with a compelling leader such as Trump, will save this country from destruction and possible extinction.

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Jacque Lynne Ross

Conservative Christian; Educator 40 years, MA + 70 Post MA credits